Wedding 2022
We are delighted to announce the marriage of
Shanna from Maine Street Coon and Sultan Du Clos Du Coteau.

sultan and shanna
are recommended breeder
SQR level 4 by loof

Present on our cattery
Here on our cattery
I youpresent THAI BY YANNA CAT'S
on the photos it has 12 hours of life
thai is a small male maine coon loof

Maine Coon LOOF color BLUE
3 weeks of Sublime lifeevolution for my baby coon

THAIKO BY YANNA CAT'S 1 Month and 10 days of life
seeing it evolved is a real pleasure
cuddly, joueurs Thaiko shares her daily life with us but also with all the coons of the household and yes with us no cats have isolated we all live in family
besides, thaiko doesn't appreciate that I sleep at night and come and nibble my ears or my toes, little love scum

Notre joli bébé Maine Coon LOOF ThaÏko âgé de 3 mois à vécu son tout premier toilettage comme un champion.
Déjà habituer à être manipuler thaÏko a été préparé afin d'être présenté au juge du loof avant son grand départ dans sa famille.
Sa jeune adoptante TIFFANY a été très heureuse d'être immerger dans le monde de l'exposition à mes cotés, de découvrir une autres facette de notre métier et avoir un avis sur la qualité de son bébé manie coon

My baby coon will be able to join his family for life in March 2023
they will be :
Vaccinated, Dewormed,identified by chip, registered with LOOF sterilized if for company.
Parents are tested holy and not carrier for diseases genetic (HCM, SMA, PKDEF) and holy for FIV/FELV disease
Our babies are raised daily in our family and are used to everyday noises, children, dogs and other cats.
Will be provided when they leave:
- A reservation and sale contract.
- A copy of the parents' tests and cardiac and renal echo.
- A copy of the champion titles of both parents.
- A copy of the pedigrees of the parents.
- A certificate of good health will be issued by the Condé-en-Brie veterinary clinic.
- Health book.
- DNA test of the kitten and affiliation to the parents.
- Pedigree of the kitten if received or declaration of birth waiting for the pedigrees.
- A welcome booklet.
- Kitten kit.
(royal canin kitten kibble, royal canin kitten wet food, his favorite toy and a surprise bonus for adopters)
- Certificate of commitment and knowledge.
- USB key with all the photos of the kitten since birth.